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Low Energy Neurofeedback (LENS)

Ask The Experts by Leigh Ann Van Dyke, M.S. LLPC

Q: Can Neurofeedback be used as an alternative to medication for adults, teenagers and children?
A: YES!!

Q: What is Low Energy Neurofeedback?
A: The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System helps to “rebalance” a person’s whole way of thinking, feeling and wellbeing. Neurofeedback is a noninvasive procedure that monitors and analyzes the brain’s electrical activity, also known as the electroencephalogram or EEG, and then uses this information to formulate the feedback, which is delivered through the same sensors used to monitor brainwaves. Although the feedback signal is low in energy, it produces measurable changes in brain activity. The EEG signals that are recorded through the sensors influence the feedback stimulation, which may normalize the brain’s electrical activity.

Q: What are the benefits of Lens?

  • Increased clarity (decreased mental “fog”)
  • Decreased feelings of irritability
  • Decreased feelings of anger
  • Decreased feelings of fatigue
  • Decreased feelings of anxiety
  • Decreased feelings of depression
  • Improved sleep at night
  • More energy during the day
  • Improved concentration and attention
  • Improved memory
  • Improved vision and speech (due to cortical problems)
  • Increased sense of ease due to the absence of the need to control intense feelings
Q: What has the LENS shown clinically positive results in?
  • Traumatic physical head or spinal cord injury symptoms from mild to severe
  • Stroke
  • Clinical depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Trauma from childhood, work and stress (PTSD)
  • Attention deficit disorders with and without hyperactivity
  • Learning disabilities
  • Sleep disorders
  • Autism/childhood schizophrenia (Asperger’s Syndrome)
  • Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Excessive anger and explosiveness
  • Substance abuse
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Headaches
Q: How does the Lens produce these positive results?
A: The above-mentioned problems exist concurrently with EEG slowing, which consists of high amplitude, high variability, low frequency brainwave activity. Reductions of excessive slow brainwaves will often be noted within the first few minutes of the first session. Generally speaking, regardless of the diagnosis, if a condition is accompanied by brainwave imbalances, LENS can potentially be helpful in alleviating its symptoms.

Q: How long does it take to see results?
A: Clinical improvements may be noted within 3 to 5 sessions in simple cases, but in more complex cases more courses of treatment may be required before improvements begin to become noticeable.

Low Energy Neurofeedback is now available in the Grosse Pointe Area. For more information you can contact Leigh Ann Van Dyke M.S. LLPC at (586) 469-6955, by e-mail at, or

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