Ask The Experts by Sadie Bolos O'Neill, The Bolos Academy
Q: I'm a married mother of three, work full-time and find it so hard to keep balance in my life. I feel so overwhelmed and stressed all the time. I'm looking for ways to relax and enjoy my life more, can you help?
A: Stress is a part of our lives everyday. Are you operating under functional or dysfunctional stress? We all experience functional levels of stress. Planning a wedding, attending a high school reunion, taking an exam, interviewing for a job are all examples of functional stress. When we begin to experience physical and emotional set backs, such as health issues, depression, ongoing anger and behavioral outbursts, that indicates dysfunctional stress that falls below the level of balance on the continuum scale of functional stress.
So how do we stabilize the level of stress, holding it at a functional level? How do we channel stress into as a positive motivator and use it to facilitate positive, change?
Step 1: We Make the Shift
The shift begins in our thinking. The shift begins by first reframing the stressful situation as an opportunity. Review the situation at hand and accurately and honestly identify what is really going on. Most often Stress is escalated by change. Most of us do not embrace change. We resist and deny change. The Shift means we look at challenges along with change as an opportunity to grow.
STEP 2: Let it Go
Continuing to resolve the situation along that same path is not working. Most likely it is causing more stress and little satisfaction in your life. It's time to let it go and find a new approach. That may involve talking with a family member, seeking expert advice, reading an informative book, taking a class, looking for new sources of information or all of the above. All of these are coping resources for stress. Over time you will identify which are best for you. Once you have embraced the change, you can look back and reach a new level of appreciation by observing what you have learned. You are now ready for...
STEP 3: Moving On
Moving on is an opportunity to grow with introspection for the future. Ask can I now serve others and what was the gift I received through this change. When you are able to see the gift, you have truly moved on to a place of healing and growth. Sadie Bolos O'Neill founder of The Bolos Academy is a speaker/author with 19 years experience as business/staff development consultant/coach. She can be reached at: 313.605.3850 or, visit her Website:
Save the Date: Eliminate Stress at Home and in Your Life An Evening of Information & Inspiration featuring: Sadie Bolos, The Bolos Academy, Christina Pitts and Colleen Carnell, Pitts-Aldrich & Associates and Anna Russo, Success Strategies. Thursday, Oct. 8, 7 to 9 p.m. Barnes Early Childhood Center 20090 Morningside, Grosse Pointe Woods No Fee. Register by Oct. 1 @ 313.432.3832
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