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The Phoenix Challenge: Rising to Fulfillment

By Christina Pitts, President - PITTS-ALDRICH ASSOCIATES

Last Summer I was invited to write a chapter for Discover Your Inner Strength with notable contributors including Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard. Immediately what came to mind was the image of a Phoenix rising, and I knew I would write about embracing challenge as opportunity for personal growth.

As many of us know, the Phoenix is a mythological bird that descends into a fire of its own making, and in the throes of death is reborn, transforming into a new and more powerful, more beautiful magnificence. In Chinese mythology, the Phoenix represents virtue, power, and prosperity; in some myths, the Firebird's tears heal all wounds.

The myth of the Phoenix teaches us that at times of challenge we must consciously and intentionally descend to the depths, enduring the chaos, confusion, pain, in order to ascend as someone stronger. The learning, while we're descending into our inner selves, yields enlightenment, so that when opportunity knocks, we're there to open the door to an enriched outcome.

I encourage us to embrace challenge as a constructive force enabling us to become stronger. If we choose to meet challenge head-on and determine to accept it with grace --to understand and learn from the process-- the yield will be bountiful: greater wisdom, new vigor to generate desirable outcomes, renewed sense of achievement and accomplishment, rediscovered pride in personal competence.

I invite you now to think about something challenging you. Ask yourself: "Am I willing to devote time, effort, energy to create a positive outcome?" If so, you're taking the first step toward embracing challenge. And you can learn more immediately by attending The Family Center's Ask the Experts event this evening, October 8, 7 to 9 p.m. at Barnes Elementary School.

Look for my next column on The Phoenix Challenge. Meanwhile, consider this from the Japanese poet, Masahide: "The barn has burned to the ground. Now I can see the moon."

Christina Pitts is a Consultant to businesses and nonprofits, as well as an Executive and Personal Coach & Mentor. Her background as an Educator, Business Executive, Lawyer and Volunteer; as a Motivational Trainer; as an Organ Donor; and as a Poet, Novelist and Speaker bring a colorful mosaic of experience to her engagements. Contact Christina @ 313.881.3433;, or visit

Save the Date:
Eliminate Stress at Home and in Your Life
An Evening of Information & Inspiration featuring: Sadie Bolos, The Bolos Academy, Christina Pitts and Colleen Carnell, Pitts-Aldrich & Associates and Anna Russo, Success Strategies.
Thursday, Oct. 8, 7 to 9 p.m.
Barnes Early Childhood Center
20090 Morningside, Grosse Pointe Woods
No Fee. Register by Oct. 1 @ 313.432.3832

The Family Center, a 501(c) 3, non-profit organization, serves as the community's centralized hub for information, resources and referral for families and professionals.
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