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Sports Injuries On the Rise: Protect Your Young Athlete Through Educational Session

By Robert McGahey, MD

Q: My child loves sports and being involved in a team, but school athletics seem to be very demanding on their body. I'd like to prevent injuries and long-term wear-and-tear on my child's body. What should I do?

A: Parents can attend The Family Center's Partners In Parenting program titled: Pediatric & Adolescent Sports Medicine & Injury Prevention with Robert McGahey, MD, St. John Hospital & Medical Center pediatrician from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 11, at Barnes Early Childhood Center (20090 Morningside Dr., Grosse Pointe Woods).

The program will give parents the education they need to help their children enjoy sports...safely and with a reduced risk for injury.

In his presentation, Dr. McGahey will discuss the changes in school and community athletic programs that have occurred over the past generation. These changes have made sports-related injuries more common among teens and adolescents.

It's not unusual for children to start playing contact sports, like wrestling and football, at the middle school level. Without proper education about how to avoid injuries, children run the risk of doing damage to their young bodies.

Also, to remain competitive, many students are feeling it necessary to train year-round for their sport of choice. Because they're not cross-training, physicians are seeing overuse injuries in these youngsters that were previously only seen in college-level athletes.

Coaches as well as parents must be aware of the common preventable injuries of the particular sports that their children are participating in, and should be familiar with ways to train the body to prevent these injuries.

Dr. McGahey's presentation will include a significant amount of time spent discussing specific sports and injuries of interest to attendees. Come with your questions...and bring your athlete too!

Dr. Robert McGahey graduated from Wayne State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Biology. He also attended Medical School at Wayne State, and graduated in 2003. He completed his pediatric residency at St. John Hospital and Medical Center in 2006, and has been working in academic medicine since that time. Starting April 1st, Dr. McGahey will join Cornerstone Lakeview Pediatrics, a group practice servicing the Grosse Pointes and surrounding areas. Dr. McGahey is a general pediatrician, but has special interest in certain areas including asthma and sports medicine.

For more information about the free program and to register, call (313) 432-3832.